Sunday, January 09, 2011

I Started Writing Three Other Posts, But They Didn't Make the Cut

So I know I'm a bit late, but I figure it's ok because you see, the holiday season is very busy. It gets worse with sickness. But enough about that. I have decided a chosen what my resolutions are for the year.

I know.

I already said I was late. I told you already. I still found the time to think about it though if you think about it. That has to count for something.

My Resolutions.

#1. My first and foremost one would have to deal with my dog. I haven't taken care of her like I should have these last few weeks. All excuses aside. It hasn't happened. But she still greets me the same, and still is so willing to do what I ask. She's still willing to try.

So I vow to try harder. I really want to find something to do with her again. We did agility, we did aggression courses. Now... We can't go back to agility. And I've hit a dead wall when it comes to other dogs. So perhaps we'll go for that? Or formal obedience? Rally-O? Tracking?

I'll find something. And make it fit, and work. And work well.

#2. Some of you are surprised this is only second. Well, let me explain it like this. Living beats out non-living things. Hands down. This resolution in German. To finish the German 10 Course or to gain competency from some other forum. Short and sweet. Wish it was in practice too.

#3. I'm attempting the read 100 books in a year challenge. Or alternatively, read less on the internet and more in real life.

#4. To step up and try harder to work, well, willing at my job. Even if it's not where I want to be at. Chin up and good attitude and all that jazz.

#5. To reconnect. I might know you, but I still just see you on the street, and thus don't know you. Who you are. Where you are going. What makes you, you.

These last few aren't resolutions. More like goals to get done, sometime. On the horizon. If they stay there long enough they may become resolutions next year. Perhaps. Perhaps not. Most should be done anyways. 1) Get my N, 2) Finish my quilt, 3) Make it through my Bible, and 4) Finish the knitting.

Last year's resolution was to attempt to get back into shape. As you can see it's an ongoing thing. It's not so much a resolution now though, as it is a part of my life.

What are your resolutions/goals for the New Year?